The Beauty in Life
Ello World!
My website is here for all those unique individuals out there who are completely obsessed with the glorious wonder of makeup. I simply love playing in beauty products and discovering new items and tricks that help beauty divas ;) look flawless day or night.
I am a Medical Massage Therapist and Beauty Diva on my channel you will learn tips and tricks on how to apply makeup & beauty product recommendations and ways to save money on makeup! I also upload easy step by step makeup tutorials that will teach you how to master any makeup look.
I share tidbits and recommendations that I have learned from my beauty trial and error I am also a qualified national health provider and continue to work in these roles outside of glorious makeup (I lead the ultimate double life!!) – I will spill the tea when it comes to long wearing make up for all Beauty Divas & Moms who work the nine to five every day!
I upload videos every week - Connect & Subscribe so you don't miss what's coming up next!
Hope you come along for the ride-
Beauty Diva *

"Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest"